Swings Hanging from Every Tree
“Swings Hanging from Every Tree” is a sensitive collection of encouraging, inspirational words and experiences from and for foster and adoptive parents and those who care for them and their families. You will find words of advice, validation, blessing, grace and humor that we all need to hear on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. Just the right words from someone who has been there can bring confidence, a sense of calm, a smile or even laughter.
“—I asked the typical ‘do you know where babies come from’ question. Without hesitation she replied, ‘Of course I do, Mom. You just call the case worker!”
Teresa, birth, adoptive and foster mom specializing in fostering mentally ill children.
Status: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
Number of Pages: 376
Published: 2001
Publisher: Wood 'N' Barnes Publishing & Distribution
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1885473354
ID#: 3424
DC#: 158.1 Cun
1 in stock (can be backordered)