Murphy’s Three Homes
“Murphy is an adorable puppy experiencing some hard times in life. After being turned out of two different homes and a shelter, Murphy starts feeling like a “bad luck dog”–a dog that no one wants. Eventually, he is placed with a loving family, and begins to feel happy, comfortable, and secure in his new home. Ultimately he learns that he is a good luck dog, just like all other Tibetan Terriers. Murphy’s experiences are similar to those of many foster (or foster-adopt) children. Helping a child build and maintain positive self-esteem in the face of the adversity experienced by most foster children is the central theme of the book. By reading this book, your child may also find comfort in discovering he is not alone.” (FOSTER CARE)
Status: 4 in stock (can be backordered)
Published: 2009
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1433803857
ID#: 3336
DC#: CF - Gil
4 in stock (can be backordered)