Mi Nueva Familia en los Estados Unidos: I’m Being Adopted from Colombia (Spanish)
This child-friendly book is about being adopted from Colombia and is in Spanish. The book teaches school-age children about what they can expect when living with their new family in the United States. The book highlights basic American culture and family life to help prepare children for international adoption. When reviewed and discussed with children prior to their adoption, it can help ease the stress and uncertainty children feel about the differences between their birth culture and the United States. Families can also purchase an English version and bring the books with them to Colombia and review the books with their child before they travel back to the United States.
¡Estás siendo adoptado(a) y te estás mudando a los Estados Unidos de América!
Este libro ayudará a prepararte para tu adopción.
Vivir en los EE. UU. es diferente a vivir en un orfanato, un hogar grupal o un hogar temporal en América del Sur. Este libro te ayudará a comprender la cultura básica en los EE. UU. incluyendo cómo vivir con una familia en una casa en los Estados Unidos.
Status: 1 in stock
Published: 2019
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9781732964730
ID#: 12204
DC#: CF-Sn
1 in stock