Maps of Narrative Practice
“In this much-anticipated and long-awaited book, Michael White draws on his more than 20 years of clinical and professional experience to present readers with the definitive guide to understanding and successfully implementing narrative therapy techniques in their practice.” “Maps of Narrative Practice” expertly lays out the six main areas of narrative practice—1. externalizing conversations, 2. re-authoring conversations, 3. remembering conversations, 4. definitional ceremonies, 5. unique outcome conversations, and 6. scaffolding conversations—clearly explaining how to employ them in clinical practice, and exploring the practical implications for therapeutic growth of each one.
Status: Available on backorder
Published: 2007
Publisher: W.W. NORTON & COMPANY
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 0393705164
ID#: 3370
DC#: 616.89 Wh
Available on backorder