Identity Formation in the Adopted Adolescent
- Stein, Leslie M.
- Hoopes, Janet L.
This book follows 50 children during their crucial high school years. Essential reading for social workers–particularly adoption workers–clinical psychologists, child psychiatrists, researchers, graduate social work students, and certainly for adoptive parent organizations and the adoptees themselves.
Four important questions are discussed. 1. When should adopted children learn about being adopted? 2. What is it like to grow up with nonadopted siblings? 3. What makes for the best quality of family relationships? 4. How much curiosity is there about biological parents—and what stimulates it?
Status: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
Publisher: CWLA
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 0878682341
ID#: 517
DC#: 155.5 S
Category: Books
1 in stock (can be backordered)