Hear My Roar
“This book can help children understand that they have a right to live free from violence in their own homes.” Rita Smith, NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, DENVER, CO
“It’s summer, and Mama, Papa, and little Orsa Bear are picnicking in the woods. Papa tells Orsa how they used to scare animals into traps by roaring. He challenges Orsa to roar, but ridicules him when he isn’t loud or scary enough. Papa’s own roar is so loud and scary, Orsa cowers in fright.”
“Told in comic-book style, this indispensable guide for parents and caregivers provides a gentle, non-threatening approach to talking with children about family violence.”
Status: Available on backorder
Published: 2009
Publisher: Annick Press Ltd.
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1554512010
ID#: 3362
DC#: CF - Wa
Available on backorder