Current Psychotherapies Fifth Edition
“This fifth edition of Current Psychotherapies is its most extensive revision so far. Two new chapters have been added: Reality Therapy and Current Issues in Psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis, Analytic Psychotherapy, and Family Therapy have new authors. Rational-Emotive Therapy is now relabeled Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, and it has been completely rewritten. Behavior Therapy has been extensively revised, and all chapters retained from prior editions have been updated.
From its beginning, Current Psychotherapies has been based on a number of principles that have made it the most successful text of its kind: 1. Chapters selected represent the most import systems in the current practice of psychotherapy. 2. The most competent available authors are recruited. 3. This book is highly disciplined. 4. Current Psychotherapies is carefully edited. 5. Chapters are as concise as they can possibly be and still cover the systems completely. 6. The glossary has been expanded.” Raymond Corsini, Editor
Status: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
Published: 1995
Publisher: F.E.Peacock Publishers, Inc.
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 0875813925
ID#: 3499
DC#: 362.7 Co
1 in stock (can be backordered)