Coming Home to Self
The reader will learn many of the following from this book: the role of trauma in our lives, how trauma affects our neurological system, how the fearful child may be ruling our lives, how the meaning we give to events controls our beliefs, how beliefs control our feelings and behavior, how to uncover our authentic self, how to gain power by becoming accountable, how to improve our relationships, how to improve our reunions, how to better parent our children, what professionals need to know to help triad members.
This book is recommended reading for all members of the adoption triad, anyone in relation to them, anyone who feels he or she is living an unauthentic life.
Status: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
Published: 2003
Publisher: Gateway Press, Inc.
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 0963648012
ID#: 1889
DC#: 362.734 V
1 in stock (can be backordered)