Bruised Before Birth
“Because of increased awareness of the effect on children of drugs, alcohol, and other substances used by parents, especially by mothers during pregnancy, there is increased concern about what such influences will really mean for children and their families. Although there are many questions, it often seems that there aren’t enough good answers: How many children will be exposed to parental substance abuse? Which children will be significantly or noticeably hurt? Will the effects be permanent? What will these be? How serious will these be? Can anything be done to change this? What will the children require medically, educationally, emotionally? What will parents and other grownups need in order to help?” INTRODUCTION: A Word to Adoptive and Foster Parents
Status: Available on backorder
Published: 1994
Publisher: Family Resources, Inc.
Format: Softcover
ID#: 3471
DC#: 618.92 McN
Available on backorder