Topics in SSI – Practical Tips on Recent SSI and Social Security Changes November 15, 2023
The Social Security Administration has made a number of recent changes in how it administers its programs and provides services to the public. From having the option to make certain requests online, to a longer deadline for requesting benefits continuation on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) appeals, these changes should make it easier for advocates to communicate with Social Security and to resolve problems.
Join us for a 30-minute webinar, Topics in SSI – Practical Tips on Recent SSI and Social Security Changes, to get updates on practical changes to policies and procedures that advocates can use when helping older adults and individuals with disabilities to apply for and receive benefits.
Who Should Participate:
Advocates working with older adults and people with disabilities who are eligible for SSI or Social Security.DATE | TIME |
11/15/2023 | 02:00 pm |
11/15/2023 | 02:30 pm |
Trinh Phan