The Barker Adoption Foundation’s 26th Annual Adoption & Foster Care Conference and Annual Teen Connections Event November 14, 2020
2020 Virtual Annual Adoption & Foster Care Conference
This year’s conference, What’s Adoption Got to Do with It? will provide participants the opportunity to explore the nuances of adoption and the lifelong impact that an adoption can have on an adoptee, their birth parents, and their adoptive parents. Tweens/Teens will also have the opportunity to attend a full-day workshop, where they will explore and discuss important questions through digital art, music, and movie clips.
The 2020 Barker Conference is going VIRTUAL this year, but the inspiration, education, and connection you anticipate every year will remain strong. Take advantage of our early bird special and complete your registration by October 14 (individual registrations are required for each conference attendee).
11/14/2020 | 08:15 am |
11/14/2020 | 04:30 pm |