Take a Deep Breath: Wellness for Child Protection Professionals During Covid-19 May 26, 2022
Professionals who deal with child maltreatment are under a tremendous amount of stress trying to provide services to their clients and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as they give so much of their time and energy to their critical work, it is equally as important that they have the tools to care for themselves and know how to offset the stressors of their jobs. Developing and maintaining a regular self-care practice is important in supporting overall wellness and managing the stress in their lives. The session will cover recognizing stress symptoms, how the brain responds to stress, positive reframing techniques, how to recognize adaptive versus maladaptive coping strategies, creating a self-care plan and the importance of maintaining it during the pandemic.
05/26/2022 | 12:30 pm |
05/26/2022 | 02:00 pm |