Seventh Biennial Conference October 18, 2018
Formations: Thinking Kinship through Adoption, sponsored by the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture
ASAC 2018 Call for Proposals
Topics of interest include:
- Studies of the economies, ethics, or aesthetics of intimacy;
- Studies of how race, gender, sexuality, and class shape kinship formations;
- Critical analyses of adoption narratives, histories, discourses, and life experiences;
- Studies of literary, cinematic, dramatic, musical, visual, dance, popular culture, or performance art
representations of kinship formations; - Studies of the impacts of increasing global mobility and migration and refugee crises on kinship
formations; and - Studies of the production of new forms of kinship in social media and other digital and online
Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture (ASAC)
10/18/2018 | 08:00 am |
10/20/2018 | 05:00 pm |
Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel
1001 Broadway
Oakland CA 94607
Judith Butler
Julie Pelletier
Deann Borshay Liem
Julie Pelletier
Deann Borshay Liem