New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect 15th Biennial Conference September 08, 2017
Implementing Evidence-Supported Services for Children and Families
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017 | Princeton, NJ | 8:45am to 3pm
Expand your professional knowledge and better understand strategies for selecting, funding, supporting, and creating the conditions to effectively implement and sustain evidence-supported services. This one-day conference will provide a forum for professionals to discuss and learn about what it takes to effectively implement and scale evidence-supported practices on the national, state and local level.
Call for Presentations
We are looking to highlight frameworks, strategies, successes, challenges, and lessons learned that address one or more of the following topics as they relate to implementing evidence-supported programming:
• Social Impact
• Funding
• Policy and Practice
• Guidelines for Treatment and Services
Proposals are requested for 2-hour workshops. Presentations may include panels or single presenters. More details online.
DEADLINE: Proposals must be received by 5pm on May 31.
09/08/2017 | 08:45 am |
09/08/2017 | 03:00 pm |