Free Program for Senior Care Providers; Hear experts in older adults, mental health and addiction August 24, 2022
As a senior service provider and/or advocate how can you help?
Join us to hear from experts in older adults, mental health, and addiction.
Get Connected will help providers and advocates to better understand the issues associated with substance misuse and mental health conditions in older adults, increase confidence and comfort in addressing these problems, and will provide resources to help screen and refer at-risk clients to an appropriate advisor such as a physician, treatment provider, or mental health professional.
All participants will receive the Get Connected Toolkit which provides the materials necessary for training staff who work with older adults and materials to educate older adults.
Breakfast, Lunch and Continuing Education Credits provided.
Space is limited. Registration is required.
08/24/2022 | 10:00 am |
08/24/2022 | 02:00 pm |