Gaming and Social Media – Supporting the Healthy Use of Technology for Youth July 25, 2022
Technology can enhance our lives in many ways. It can make us more effective, productive and efficient. It also can entertain us and can help us connect with others. Unfortunately, when used to excess, technology can negatively impact our lives. Some individuals are unable to effectively limit their use of electronic media. The excessive use of electronic media can be an attempt to cope with significant psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, or social skills deficits. Dr. Edward Spector, Psy.D. will present on the healthy use of technology, including common forms of electronic games (computer, video, phone apps), the Internet (including the use of social networking sites and online communities), and the use of smart phones.
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07/25/2022 | 07:00 pm |
07/25/2022 | 08:30 pm |