Dissociation in Play Therapy – Live/Virtual October 25, 2024
This play therapy training is offered Live In-Person for contact hours and Virtual Webinar via Zoom for non-contact hours.
Dissociation is a disconnect from emotions, body sensations, thoughts, memories, and/or identity. In play therapy it can look like explosive behavior, clients presenting as “shell shocked”, self-injuring behavior, or bizarre mood and personality shifts. Often times these are the children that fall through the cracks and are passed on due to their complexity with people stating “nothing works with them”. In this training, participants learn how to explain dissociation to both children in the playroom and parents in parent sessions, participants discuss how to assess for dissociation with both parents and children in play therapy, and participants demonstrate skills to work with parts of self in the playroom.
10/25/2024 | All Day |
10/25/2024 | All Day |