Ampl!fy Youth Voice Symposium: Heal. Support. Uplift. November 08, 2022
Join Youth Communication and educational leaders from around the country as we share strategies that create culturally responsive, learning communities that:
- Help young people heal from experiences with racism, sexism, and other injustices
- Support students to achieve their personal and academic goals
- Uplift teen voices in a world that too often marginalizes them
Educators are playing an increasingly vital role in helping young people develop the social and emotional learning skills to navigate systems of oppression—and change them. This symposium will include a networking breakfast (in-person), a thought leadership panel, and an interactive session framed with a reading of authentic teen-written stories from Youth Communication’s award-winning writing program.
Livestream: Zoom link will be provided for virtual participants
11/08/2022 | 09:00 am |
11/08/2022 | 12:00 pm |