American Political Institutions: Fragile or Resilient? February 13, 2025
Love him or hate him, no one should doubt that Donald J. Trump has shattered many of the norms undergirding the American political experiment. His radically populist style and unconventional conservatism have, and will, test the foundations of America’s system of separated powers, checks and balances, federalism, and the like. One question is whether our political institutions — which have endured for almost 250 years — can survive such a disruption. Another question is whether we need to rethink some of those institutions, given the electorate’s dissatisfaction with the election. And what about those uniquely Americanized principles of democracy, individualism, liberty, and equality? Will they hold up under the weight of an administration bent on flipping the political script? How can we ensure genuinely democratic institutions while also guarding against the risk of anti-democratic policies and practices? Join us for an evening of conversations and questions about America’s fragile, or perhaps resilient, political landscape.
02/13/2025 | 07:30 pm |
02/13/2025 | 09:00 pm |