Adoption & Foster 101 November 22, 2019
Miriam’s Heart hosts the Adoption & Foster Care 101 (formerly Coffee Fellowship) semi-annually for families interested in learning more about adoption and foster parenting We share our adoption and foster parenting experiences, speak about the priority of adoption for the church, and will have the opportunity to fellowship together! We’ve invite social workers and representatives from the State of NJ (DCPP), Holt International, Adoption Options (formerly Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ) and America World Adoption Agency in addition to stocking the room with experienced adoptive and foster families, and if we are lucky enough – an adult foster child or adoptee!
This evening will:
- Offer ways to take action on behalf of vulnerable children;
Answer your questions and offer perspectives on adoption and parenting an adopted/foster child;
Provide a time of fellowship and networking with other prospective adoptive/foster parents, adult adoptees/foster children and adoptive and foster families;
If you want to consider your calling to adopt or foster, are an adoptee yourself or an adoptive or foster family, this event is for you!
11/22/2019 | 07:00 pm |
11/22/2019 | 09:00 pm |