2022 Reading Club: Integrating Race, Power, Privilege & Perspective into Child Protective Services December 09, 2022
The lived experiences of child protective services (CPS)–involved parents is rarely considered from a social justice perspective. Parents and children endure the oversight of the child welfare system in myriad ways, and these experiences usually vary based on race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. This article explores how CPS interactions affect family dynamics and well-being and how family members view their experiences with CPS, including their sense of autonomy and empowerment
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC)
12/09/2022 | 12:00 pm |
12/09/2022 | 01:00 pm |
Online Event
Debangshu Roygardner PhD
Darcey H. Merritt PhD MSW
Darcey H. Merritt PhD MSW