2017 Adoptive Family & Youth Training Seminar May 19, 2017
Each year featured speakers along with numerous workshop presenters provide quality training opportunities for over 200 parents and adoption professionals. The Ties That Bind is truly a family-centered event as adoptive parents are invited and encouraged to bring their children (including infants and medically fragile) with them to the seminar. Activities are provided for children of all ages free of charge. In addition, a teen seminar designed specifically for adopted teens and preteens provides structured activities designed to provide enrichment, support, and motivation for adopted youth.
The Ties That Bind is coordinated and organized by Family Matters Consulting and funded through contract with the Georgia Department of Human Services, Social Services Administration Unit. This conference is open to adoptive families and their children; prospective adoptive parents (i.e. those seriously considering adopting, in the process of adopting, and foster-to-adopt parents.)
05/19/2017 | All Day |
05/21/2017 | All Day |